Scarface ?
Best Giveaway by Farah
Monday, October 21, 2013 | 11:24 AM | 0 love(s)
assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera

Tamat ; 28/10/2013

Ok, I live in Malaysia. So of course, I can join this GA. Semua peraturan dah ikut. Sekarang tunggu nak menang ja. Eh ? Hahaha. Joking ;)

Psssst ; Saya tak dak h/p. So, saya tak layak menerima hadiah top up. Haaaaa, tengok. Perasan lagi sekali. Macam boleh dapat hadiah ja. Hmmmmm. And one more thing, blog mellyareenza tak leh nak follow. Dia jadi macam ni ;

Ok, lah. That's all. Byeeee ;)

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Big thanks to Miss Al